Okay...so check out this logic and tell me what you think:
I haven't researched this or anything. I'm just developing a hunch.
So what's the deal with the clothing industry?
- They put out a line of clothing.
- They market their clothing. (making it seem like you'll be cool if you buy their stuff)
- And then, as soon as you buy the clothing and feel a little bit cooler about yourself, 'THE STYLE CHANGES'.
Do styles change...or do business owners strategically change clothing styles to create a money making cycle wherein consumers:
- buy new clothes to be 'in style,'
- become unsatisfied with an outdated wardrobe at the turn of each season, and,
- buy more new clothes to be 'in style' again.
This makes me think of Mrs. Davis @ CCS teaching a clothing class in christian living class and saying that we should buy "classic" clothing that will not go in and out of style...stuff that we can wear for a long time and is financially wise. I thought it was sooo funny then coming from her (whom I love) but it obviously made an impact on me that I still remember it :)